dowry case mother in law from hell arranged marriage indian culture culture shock bad marriage

My Husband Fought With Me When I Refused To Give His Mother Dowry...

( words)
*For representational purpose only.
Although the society we live in appears to be modern, there are still many women who suffer as a result of male mentality. 
When my wedding was fixed, I had no idea that I was in for a lot of pain. My mother-in-law is a greedy woman who seeks all the wealth and property of her daughter-in-law's family.
She has two sons and no daughter.

My husband's brother's girlfriend lavishes gifts on this woman, and my mother-in-law wants the same from me. She kept forcing my husband to attack me and demand dowry in various forms. He demanded gold, property, and cash, and when I refused, he said that my upbringing was horrible. 
Is willingness to give dowry a good upbringing?

He even forbids me from seeing my family, claiming that after the wedding, the girl must stay with her husband, and he is only the one who has authority over her.
According to him, I have no right to decide anything for myself. His decisions are final, and I have no right to question them and must accept them without a choice. 

Why should a girl marry if she has to live like this? The irony is for my mother-in-law, the situation is completely different than mine. My father-in-law has no right to talk or make suggestions. My mother-in-law makes all the choices and discreetly enforces them. 
So, what makes my husband believe that his wife must obey him? These are unusual queries to which I have no responses.
Do men marry for the sake of dowry or for pleasure? Shouldn't they be real men and oppose dowry rather than listening to their mothers and demanding it? Why is our society the way it is? A lot may change if every man resolves to stand against dowry and learns to respect women.

I wish whatever I went through in life, no other woman faces the same.
All the beautiful ladies out there, you weren't born to be a slave to someone, so don't allow men to rule over you. Your life is yours. Nobody can decide how you live your life.

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